Sunday, May 20, 2007

=rEd sQuArE=

Finally, we have finished our pharmacology and MCBT tests, which were held in the same week. After those tests that have stressed us up, it was the time to take a break, to have a deep breath----->>>pubbing at red square @ hindley street, friday night~~~here we came~~~

=red square=

~outside red square~

~yong hwee, mE & chin~

~the GaLs~

~ b4~

~keth-lyn, mE & any~

=the gAnG=

~at the dancing pool~


~chin & i~

~daniel self-portrait~

~any & yong hwee~

~wow~~~sexy BACKs~

wat were yong hwee and chin doin???

=hyper jason tan=

~sexy gIrLs~ (@_@)

~MK dancing wif handbag in his hand~ (>_<)

~mE, + dAnIeL + aNy~

=4 iN lOvE=

guess wat was attracting our attention??? (@_<)

=aNy + i=

=yong hwee + i=


=hOt gAlS=hOt dAnCe=

=MK vs kEvIn=

~wOw~yIwEn vs eDDy~(@_@)

~focus: MK wif 2 bOttLes oF dRiNk in 1 shot~

=future leng lui pharmacists= (@_<)

=descending order= (*_*)


=keth-lyn + mE + kEvIn + iVaN (whose eyes not focusing on the same camera wif the 3 of us)=

~cHeErS 4 vOdKa~ (@_@)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

=rEd sQuArE= (cont)


~MK + PL + YH vs vodka lime/lemon~

~3 'gals' vs 3 vodka~(@_@)

~we r not drunk~


Ivan : " world with love and peace!!!"

~oNg vs LeOnG~ wHo is prEttIeR??? (@_<)

~jAsOn TaN~

~kEtH-lYn & I~

~sin hui & ivan~

~melissa & carolyn~

~tired xin hui & chin~ after their HOT DANCE (@_<)

~its mE~ thumb up!

~aNy & I~ walking back home...with yong hwee taking the picture for us...

Monday, May 7, 2007

Expected vs Unexpected

sometime, the expected simply pale in comparison to the unexpected

u gotto wonder why we cling to our expectation
because the expected is just keep up steady, standing, still,
expected is just the beginning
the unexpected is what changes our life..

Long long journey

Its a long road
when u got to the end of the road
u won't care about the winning
u would just relieve that u have made it to finish on...

we should not care about the winning
but we should cherish the journey to the end
as it is priceless...

cherish whatever u have
but never blame for what u don't have
so that u won't regret when u lost whatever u have had...

it is a long long journey
just give and take
then u will find that the journey is meaningful...

A journey to remember